Monday, June 18, 2012

Classroom Economy

I'm thinkin' that this blog is mostly for ME at the moment!  Found this really great idea online and I don't want to lose it, so I'm posting the link to it.  It's using economy in the classroom and I hope it works!  It looks so engaging!  Yea!!!!

This is a 3rd grade classroom in Troy, Michigan.  Her name is Beth Newingham.  I'm all about finding great ideas from other teachers.  Thanks Beth!  This gal has lots of great ideas and resources.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Fun!

Hello! No one could have read my posts even if they wanted to until today! I guess you kind of have to have the settings correct for that! Went camping with the kids last weekend. The boys' first camping trip and with big brother at that! Woohoo! We took them fishing. First time! Their daddy brought out the fishing poles later this week and my 2-year-old threw a fit! Fissing pole! I want fissing pole! How precious! We couldn't go fishing until that night so we made our own fishing poles and fish! They played with them all day. Thank goodness this satisfied them!

Sweet brothers
Kyle caught them 4 fish!

What are big brothers for?  Love it!

He was so quiet!  Never happens.

Strong like Kyle!
Our homemade magnet fish!  Thanks for making it fun Mrs. Beth!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Now I want to see what it looks like when I add a picture or two.  Just wondering!
This is from this year's primary program.  It was awesome!  The kids did an amazing job singing and speaking their lines! I"m very proud of them!
Yippee!  I have worked most of the day trying to figure out how to get a totally cute background template for my blog.  And at 12:30 a.m. it finally worked!  Yea!  I'm happy!  Thanks goes to The Cutest Blog on the Block!  I no longer have to be jealous of all these adorable blogs I've been using to get all kinds of teaching ideas and primary singing time ideas.  Happy day!  Big smiles!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another Year's End

Okay!  It's been another exciting year behind us!  One that was so busy there was no way I could attempt to blog!  But I'm hyped up from reading all these totally cool teacher blogs and I would like to start this for my parents to keep up with what's happening in our class!  I only hope I can figure out how to do this right!  Going to miss this year's class!  I'll be waving to them across the hall next year and wondering how in the world they grew so fast!  Looking forward to next year's crew!  Glad for the summer to do hunting for the best teaching ideas yet!  Yea!